Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15

Here we are in the middle of January and it has been unseasonably warm. Found this little guy while walking the dog. This little flower is confused!


  1. I really like the selective coloring in this.....the ferns or foliage are nicely graphic in black and white.

  2. Poor little lost thing! Out to early and now he's missed the spring party when it happens. He will have spent all his energy. Great selective desat, but I find the poor little thing maybe a bit too tiny in the frame. It does emphasise his total inappropriate behaviour though. Well done.

  3. If your aim was to make that flower look lost as well as confused you succeeded! I think the flower is a tad too small but it certainly tells a story.

  4. It does look so lost and confused, but a bright spot in a dark image.

  5. Kinda feels like a lenbaby shot to me with the radiating leaves from the single point of interest! ;-)


  6. Strange, but all those ferns seem to be converging on this flower, like it's truly the center of attention. Great find and wonderful desat :)
