Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7

This is a shot of a dog toy. I was going to title it blue ball but then I caught myself :). I am having a hard time seeing in 3 dimensions and not using definite lines as the mean. I'm working on it and this theme is truly challenging me. I would like to use the background to create the mean and a foreground object as the focal point. I'm not seeing it naturally and trying my darnedest. I recognize it in other people's photos just haven't been able to capture it myself as well as I would like...


  1. I like your blue ball it's Crystal clear and vibrant. I hear abstinence is good for the soul but I don't believe them. ;)

  2. I think this is a great shot and a wonderful example of Golden Mean composition. My eye starts at top left, swings down and around the ball and then curls inwards to the bright spot at the top right of the ball. Can't miss it really. Like the slingshot trajectory of a comet, about to meet its fate in a black hole. Great job!

  3. Now that I know what it is.....I think this example is very good "Golden Mean"

  4. You're doing a great job of the golden mean theme, this example is spot on. The eye is led naturally around and around from the bright dots, ending in the darker bits. I love it, and I know how hard it is to "see". Keep going, you're doing wonderfully!

  5. What a beautiful colour blue! I think you're doing great with your theme. By the end of January you'll be an expert!

  6. You are doing great - and I love the way this photo POPS.

  7. This is a fantastic compositional shot. Everything else about it is great too.

  8. You're so brave for trying and I think you're doing very well.

  9. Cool how the background works as part of the spiral of my awareness. I feel my spirit ascending already.
