Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17

Went to our little historical museum today and saw this interesting old cement mixer. Love the old rust and gears.


  1. Old and rusty objects are one of my favorite themes! This one is great!
    The light is fantastic and the compostition too!

  2. I haven't seen a cement mixer this close up before, looks so interesting with all the parts and gears and rust! How old is this thing?

  3. Oh very nice rusty pic and so well balanced

  4. Love the flashes of blue behind it, and the golden spiral is very obvious in your composition. Very nicely done!

  5. I just hate the "rusty / abandoned stuff shots" but this one makes a big difference. Guess it's the overall positive atmosphere -- it's less a depressive "old and rusty" picture than a "old and rusty but still at work" message, including a beautifully tinted sky.

  6. I think the flashes of blue really add to this shot. They really complement the different shades and textures of browns.

  7. I can't believe that you find something to fit your theme everyday! I would've run out a long time ago! Great job!!! :D

  8. I love taking pictures of rusty things. The textures, the contrast, the history - you captured this well.

  9. GM's are everywhere, one just has to open their eyes and look. Thanks for making ME look!
    A great find and I love the textures here too.

  10. I agree with Isabella. Looking for the curve in your pictures has made me notice it in the real world too! I hope it gives me a better eye.

  11. Nice texture and complementary colors. Great fit with the golden mean too.
